I understand how tough it can be to keep your blog up and fresh. You could do much less work IF you got several other rss feed sources to flow through your own blog. Then, all you'd have to do is just assign css styles and the content posts keep your blog fresh and updated EVEN IF YOU never make another post again...
here is a perfect example of a site like that requires NO updating. The rss keeps the site always current:
If you want to know how this is done, just view the source to the site. Everything is in the html. And I'll give you a short cut too: is the website you go to automatically make the javascripts that fill your page with content.
You'll notice that the javascript has a reference to an outside host. This is needed because since you are reusing some other website's content, it needs to get stripped and stored as fresh before you can use it... now for pictures content...
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Friday, October 27, 2006
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