Since I'm surfing by there, I decided to take a few screen grabs and show you where you which sites offer adsense rev share and even where to enter your own CLIENT ID CODE. Here you go:

Submit Articles and How To Docs.

Showcase your artwork and creative talent

I have no idea what this website does. EVEN AFTER browsing through it.

Linux, Free BSD, etc OS Kernal Forum. You start a topic, and your adsense account gets used. Nice!

Another article / theme paper submission shite

The only cool concept i've found. A quotes website. You submit a notable quotable and you get adwords cash. Cute.

Travel Forum where the threads you start pay you out.

Forum / CMS Webmaster's forum. Yes. I know, redundant. And I doubt you'd get any real clickthru traffic from outsiders.


Webmaster's forum. Most of you diggers know this guy. BUT beware. You aint gunna git any DIGG love to your digitalpoint threads because it's blacklisted.

Finally, Swicki. The community customizable search engine lets you put up your own adwords account 50% of the time.
There's plently more see: DIGG's List of Google Adsense Adwords Rev Share Sites
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