Google Spiders GMAIL so Do Autoreply for All Emails

Friday, November 03, 2006

RSS Search Results Deliver Perpetual Search

CLICK the RSS Logo Button Of Your Snitches.
Why? Well, do you ever GOOGLE the same word or phrase several times a day? You can let go now.

ZNITCH will update the rss feed url FOR YOU everytime a new instance of your keyword appears on your favorite site. You know that when you YAHOO or GOOGLE for a search term, the results are atleast 3-4 days old!

With ZNITCH, all you have to do is just take that url and drop it into your favorite reader like or and voila! You've got perpetual realtime search - called ZNITCHing!

Instead of going to GOOGLE, ZNITCH comes to you! - Available in all SMS, Email Inboxes and RSS Feeds Near You.

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