HOWTo Get DIGG Home Page Promotion Fast p2 DIGG IT!
In the last post about this topic, two posts previously, we covered the surest way to generate a massive number of DIGGs. And volume is key because I mean, cummon, I don't care how much the algorythm has changed,

So, Let's ASSUME that DIGG now downplays FRIENDS diggs. So how do you get total strangers to digg your story? How do you have a kegger without any FRIENDS?
First off, we've established that the most popular page for digging is: .
Then we established that the most effective way to get a massive number of diggs is to be the first to submit a story from an uber popular source (like yahoo news or wired) that has a high likelihood of others trying to submit the same story. That way, thousands of fellow diggers will see YOUR STORY on the SORRY page and digg you on the way back out: DIGG IT!

OK Clarified. BUT here's the $1,000 cash money, my money question: "Again, why would i wanna send traffic to a website that i don't have any personal interest in?"
A) Because I'm vain and want to see what it's like to get on DIGG's home page although I have no way of measuring the traffic that flows from DIGG to
B) Because I'm a socialist that wants to expose the nefarious underworkings of GWBush and the Economic Powers that be
C) I'm Bored
D) Because the more DIGG's I get, The higher my user rank gets. And DIGG favors its top players over newbies.
Survey Says: D!
Sure, the new DIGG algorythm makes it so that FRIENDS' diggs are worth less than enemies' diggs BUT cummon, look for the common thread. OF ALL the kids on the front page, NONE have a user ranking Over 10,000. DIGG IT!
As of NOW Home Page Submitter's Ranks:
5,953 - scotty588
2,809 - revtom
0,010 - Aidenag
0,110 - Husky217
0,068 - DidntYouHear
ETC... taken from THIS PAGE:

So you see how important it is to have a high DIGG "Overall Ranking?"
Recently, I've heard stories that DIGG is NOT promoting top digger's stories. So I did a test. I made friends with 20 of the top diggers. Then went to the home page of to see how many GREENSTARSTRIPES I could find (meaning they were dugg by my friends - vis-a-vis top 20 diggers. If a=b and b=c then a=c). The result? DIGG IT!

Only TWO (2) of the top 10 stories were NOT dugg by a friend of mine. I make sure to only keep top dogs as friends too. So, this proves that you need ATLEAST 2 things to get to the top home page of digg. First, good friends. Second, HIGH "overall ranking." (remember? this is where you have to pay your dues and submit stories from nytimes or yahoo news even if you don't have only other vested interest)
But, since the DIGG algorythm is NOT only based on these two factors, AND since digg put higher weight on NONfriend's diggs than FRIENDS' diggs, lets look at how to get NON FRIENDs to digg ya... next story...
PS... if you think this sounds like eons of hard work, look at this again:

It only took John Adam 2 months to become a Celeb Digger. See the MEMBER SINCE date. Now, He's #4 in all of DIGG in 4 months. That's more pull than Kevin Rose himself. =) DIGG IT!
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