Google Spiders GMAIL so Do Autoreply for All Emails
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Build a Viral Marketing Army - Just Add Friends
Friday, November 24, 2006
Top 500 Keywords and Search Terms
No s. Co u nt Ke ywo rd
1 5 793 se x
2 5 5 05 po rn
3 4648 pla y ga me s
4 3938 ga me s che a t
5 3377 pu ssy
6 3096 myspa ce
7 3026 fro m
8 291 3 go o gle
9 2740 he nta i
1 0 2703 myspa ce .co m
Google Ranking: How To Build A Website
As with any new business, you've gotta have a solid marketing strategy in place when you build a new website. There are ways to build a website that will put you light years ahead in your marketing goals. Then there are ways to build your website that give you no leg up or strategic advantage. We're here to talk about creating a webpage that is built ground up for minimal marketing labor and maximum viral and google traffic.
For the purposes of our DIY HowTo Show today, we started with a list of the 200 most popular keywords from behind a search engine (more on how we got this list later).
The seven most popular search engine keywords are in order: continued at
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Myspace Hackers-Phishers Flaunt 6,000 Passwords on
BeDaBiggest Social Bookmarking Tagging Whore
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Gmail at Domain Instead hit the box to the right
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Digg Users' Locations Map Exposed from Server Logs

Above, You can see how many people hit's servers. There'd be another 1,000 or so if the server didn't keep crashing (see red). Now, if you are curious about where these people are at 7am on a saturday morning, click the map below to see about 40 minutes worth of users' locations:

What I want to know is why the heck is ANYBODY awake at 7am PST and using!?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Pligg Digg Clone Installation - Installer Contact List
HOWto Create Massive Buzz Organically, p1
Find Communities Who Already Like You...
Whether you've got a product, service or website that has been out there for a while or not, start here:
We are going to need to shake up the internet so that a whole new fresh crop of people will like you before we move on. In your case, it may be that we simply reinvigorate the folks that liked you in the past but have since forgotten about you.
Ok. Done? Did you get that press release out?
Now, google your url now and remember the number of results returned. Then, do it again in 4 days and notice how many more websites are talking about you. Normally, you'll get about 50,000 more websites found about you after a press release.
Now, It's time to interact and create an ongoing relationship. People are hundreds of times more likely to work with you if you create rapport. This is how: Google your " [product name or url] + "post a comment" "
Now, you've narrowed it down to ONLY the blogs that talk about you. So go ahead, "post a comment"
Web Marketing 202 - Mass Opt-In Email Without Any Addresses
Email is tricky. If you've ever tried a home grown bcc email campaign straight out of Outlook, you know what I'm talking about. Your isp will immediately cut you off from any smtp access. Your domain name will end up in spamcop's black list. Half the people who opted in will forget and curse you. You will stub your toe. Hard.
So how do you reach thousands of people free, without using your own email account? Lets make this even more challenging. No using supposedly "opt-in" email addresses. No spammy email address harvesting spiders. And no transfats?
1. Google your relevant keyword + pipermail.
If you are a web marketing person wanting to email people who are already interested in web marketing, Google, ""web marketing" pipermail"
Pipermail is the engine that drives listserve communities. listserves are through-backs to the bbs days when groups or communities would assemble and post thoughts in a central place online. This would be the great grandfather to
Oddly enough, people still use these dinosaurs and value the email alerts they send out. So, all you have to do is find the listserves that match your target market using the technique above. You'll end up in thousands of email inboxes in less time than you could move your address book into the bcc field.
2. Submit an $11 Press Release
I used to work in advertising and marketing. Every marketing firm I've ever been to uses one Press Release firm: PR News Wire. Every press release would cost about $1200. Then, you'd have to submit several releases before you'd get into some print pub.
(No, I haven't forgot that this is a story about email. Gimme a sec.)
But then one day, by sheer accident, after a client had spent about $14,000 with PR News Wire, we noticed that thousands of unique "eye-balls" were coming from within webmail accounts like Yahoo and Hotmail. We hadn't done any emailing but sure enough, we were in inboxes.
Upon further research, we found another steady stream of hits from none other then Since we got more traffic and acclaim from the Google News system, than any print publication, we set out to find out HOW TO GET INTO
If you're feeling like you're missing something here, let me explain. Google News allows bloggers, writers, and regular folks like your spouse set up EMAIL ALERTS for news items that match keywords they preselect. So, all you have to do is figure out what keywords your target market is likely to have news alert filters set up for and riddle your next press release with those keywords.
Stategically lacing your Press Release with Google News alert triggering keywords will get you into thousands more email inboxes and even RSS streams. So then how do you get yourself into Simple. Use and don't payem anymore than $11. $11 bucks will get you on their front page. And their front page gets syndicated by Google News all day long.
Any other clever techniques? Leave 'em in the comments below. If your website could use some top notch web marketing genius behind it, email us znitch at
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Top News Sites to Submit Your Story for Fame
When you go out to submit a news story, whether it's self serving and flagrantly self promoting or of a genuinely altruistic cause forwarding nature, submit the story to the right venue. If you don't, you'll experience the depth of falling on deaf ears leaving you in flakes of wax.
Here are the top six venues to submit tech and politics stories and their traffic rankings.

Friday, November 10, 2006
Websites with Adsense Rev Share Grow 400% Faster

Which Web 2.0 Site offers Adsense Rev Share? You tell me!
HOWto Mod Your PHPbb Forum with Adsense Rev Share
As a Forum or Blog owner all you'd have to do is invite members to post stories and let them alternate Google Adsense Adwords Banners with you. Then everybody gets paid fairly based on the popularity of their story and volume of submissions - all directly from GOOGLE.
All you have to do is keep marketing your Forum or Blog. You'd better believe that your community members are gunna do the same too. is a perfect example of a forum that already does this. Members post HOWto's and Suggestions and even questions that feature their own unique Google Adsense Adwords account. The author gets paid. The forum owner gets paid. You see how this could work?

OK, so how do you make your own forum do this? here's the MOD: Enjoy!
tech details:
Oh, if you dont have a forum and wanna start one, see
Blogger Beta to Offer Rev Share?
You secret sauce can be a new industry in which GOOGLE shows no signs of life. Or your secret sauce can be a Google Adsense Rev Share Website. Think about it. Nobody wants to sit at a computer and post blog stories up all day long. Especially if you are competing with teams of writers at some big bloggery.
But, as soon as you introduce adsense rev sharing to each of your writers, you've got a different story. Tons more content can flow thru. Your blog or forum becomes more popular. The authors get paid directly from Google. And you sit back and collect 50% of the CTR. Will Blogger Beta offer Rev Share?
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Adwords Adsense RevShare Websites Pictorial
Since I'm surfing by there, I decided to take a few screen grabs and show you where you which sites offer adsense rev share and even where to enter your own CLIENT ID CODE. Here you go:

Submit Articles and How To Docs.

Showcase your artwork and creative talent

I have no idea what this website does. EVEN AFTER browsing through it.

Linux, Free BSD, etc OS Kernal Forum. You start a topic, and your adsense account gets used. Nice!

Another article / theme paper submission shite

The only cool concept i've found. A quotes website. You submit a notable quotable and you get adwords cash. Cute.

Travel Forum where the threads you start pay you out.

Forum / CMS Webmaster's forum. Yes. I know, redundant. And I doubt you'd get any real clickthru traffic from outsiders.


Webmaster's forum. Most of you diggers know this guy. BUT beware. You aint gunna git any DIGG love to your digitalpoint threads because it's blacklisted.

Finally, Swicki. The community customizable search engine lets you put up your own adwords account 50% of the time.
There's plently more see: DIGG's List of Google Adsense Adwords Rev Share Sites
HOWto Convert Forums into RSS

Converting a Forum into RSS solves all these issues. You will get updates in your RSS reader like Netvibes or Pageflakes as soon as there is a new topic of interest. Further, you can specifically ask for only the topics that match a keyword filter of your choice to push into your rss reader.
To Convert Forums into RSS, use Znitch simply asks for the html page url, a optional keyword filter and an email address if you want an alert. Then, just click on the RSS logo to the left of your ZNITCH readout and VOILA!, you've got the xml rss feed url.
The Ubuntu forum already has a rss feed so it's not the perfect example BUT even in this case, you can extent and add filtering to the rss. In most forums, rss is not available so is a clean solution for adding custom length filterable rss feeds.

DIGG Home Page Promotion: HOWto Pick Power Friends
DIGG Home Page Promotion, How To Pick Power Friends for Diggerati Club Membership

We've established that having the right friends is crucial crittical and constabulatory to getting DIGG fame and love and adoration. BUT, from some of the previous comments, a few wise asses interjected,
"Just add them to your friends list."That is wrong, it is not enough to add them as friends, you have to make them to add you as a friend, or they will never notice your diggs.
Here's a picture of what they really said, which is what this current story address in depth:
So in the interests of explaining that missing like of HOW to add friends that WILL NOTICE you, aka DIGG Power Friends, we carry on.
First, we know that there are only two kinds of stories. The ones that only your friends DIGG on out of friendship and the ones that get DUGG out of authentic newsworthy value. But, by the rate at which this page changes, we both know that you've got a much better chance of getting seen and DUGG on the page above (see first pic. - the FRIENDS SUBMITTED PAGE).
How do you get there? Simple.
You've gotta learn to identify and find Power DIGGERS. They will generally ALWAYS add you to their friends list. In turn you will always show up in their FRIENDS SUBMITTED page. Every friend is another streaming list that you show up on. This Friends Submitted page is a much slower flowing version of the page. AND most importantly, the likelihood that you'll get a digg from the FRIENDS submitted page is about 50%!
the likelihood that you'll get a digg from the FRIENDS SUBMITTED page is about 50%!
How do you find these guys? You gotta go a huntin. Where else would you go to find power friends than at the top?
Me? I started with CLIFFosakaJAPAN
Next in the cross hairs is

Why? Because only good friends would DIGG a story that sucks!
I've taken a screen grab of his SUBMITTED Page to left. Theory Confirmed. His stories do fall into those two categories. This leads to the Jackpot Theory. If I am correct, I'll betcha a DIGG that behind those two circled stories with just 34 and 29 DIGGs lay one giant den-hive of Power Diggerati.
Screen Grab Says, "...

BADA-BING! Same DIGGers in both UNRELATED stories! Tell Tony I'm gunna be a little late on my "Gift" this month.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Diggerati Unite! Raise A Politics and Tech Blog
from: and

But do you realize that while Om and Jason work for their cash, It's YOU the Diggerati that's making Kevin RICH! Kevin, sorry, I'm sure your a cool guy and I'd love to get you a drink at the Redwood Room or Frisson but you knew this would happen.
Why don't we unite and create a truly democratic tech / news / politics blog and really dent the world! It'd be really simple. All we need is a voting engine and Contributors. The simple part is dividing up that MONTHLY check above twenty or so ways every MONTH. We each count up the number of comments left on each of our stories and we split that check at that same ratio. Page views would be more precise but it's too easy to spam and cheat.
Any takers? How's sound? Or
Ultimate Search 2.0 Showdown
Since the early days of search, with Infoseek, Excite, Hotbot, and others not much has changed. Sure, on the back end, Google created a brilliant algorythm that keeps spam and seo at bay. But, the reality of the matter is that barring infoseek, all the search results you get have always been 3-10 day old stale responses from boolean queries (WHEW!).
Not only are your search results dated, they are linear. You ask - Search Engine answers. Now, Web 2.0 (i know, i hate this nomenclature as much as you do. I'd have used the word monacre but dont know how to spell it) search engine contenders are raising the stakes.
Search engines are now offering richer features now. My favorite are user input driven results, word association based relational searching, revshare, and even ongoing search result updates (so you dont have to keep searching the same query several times a day, you save a query and it streams updates to you in RSS). Let's look at who brings what to the table.
This is who's leading the traffic so far:
HTML Table Search Engine Matrix:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | |
>Backlink Based Algorythm | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
>Natural Language | Y | |||||
>Voting Influenced Algorythm | Y | Y | Y | |||
>Personalized Search Roll | Y | Y | ||||
>Ongoing Change Notification | Y | |||||
>RSS Results Updates | Y | |||||
>eMail Results Updates | Y | |||||
>Related Search Clusters | Y | Y |
Verdict? Well, if you have a handfull specific of websites that you search on a daily basis use ROLLYO. It lets you create a group of search destination and gang search them all. If you want a natural language website (although I can't imagine why you'd accept inferior quality results instead of just learning a couple of opperators) then use
Swicki, Wink, and all allow users to vote on the usefulness of a website for rapid ranking changes. While this sounds like a novel idea, Google has been doing this since day one. Google records click through stats and the origin ip addresses. How else do you think they are able to deliver "custom search results?" The way they do it now is raise the google result with the highest ctr based on a top down curve. So the ctr on the 10th listing on a results page gets a heavier weight than the ctr of the #1 spot. This is to say that while voting is clever, it's not new.
For brainstorming and stream of consciousness type of results, I love clusty. It searches the ten results you have onscreen and presents you with other potential search terms that all these websites have in common. Finally, for obvious reasons, if you want your search result updates to stream to you instead of you constantly re-GOOGLING the for the same thing, use - it delivers filtered search results over RSS and email.
How To Filter RSS
If you're looking for a programming job from craigslist, see: Even the "engineer section" has ads for designers, ui guys, tech guys. All jobs you have no interest in (which you have no interest =). ZNITCH makes custom filtered RSS Feeds so you only get what you want.
Favorite Website Missing RSS Feed?
This is how it works:

Fill in the three fields. For multiple znitches, start over. Commas are ignored so don't use them. Then, click the orange RSS button in the grey display field. It gives you the url and the xml page that updates constantly throughout the day. Take that xml rss feel url and drop it into your favorite rss agregator like bloglines, netvibes, pageflakes, or even yahoo home page.

VOILA! Instant RSS for any website. Now, with filtering! Just Add ZNITCH!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
ZNITCH Builts RSS Feeds for ANY Website
ZNITCH turns any website into an RSS compatible website. Then it goes further by letting you filter for only the content you want from any rss feed.
Friday, November 03, 2006
HOWTo Get DIGG Home Page Promotion Fast p2
HOWTo Get DIGG Home Page Promotion Fast p2 DIGG IT!
In the last post about this topic, two posts previously, we covered the surest way to generate a massive number of DIGGs. And volume is key because I mean, cummon, I don't care how much the algorythm has changed,

So, Let's ASSUME that DIGG now downplays FRIENDS diggs. So how do you get total strangers to digg your story? How do you have a kegger without any FRIENDS?
First off, we've established that the most popular page for digging is: .
Then we established that the most effective way to get a massive number of diggs is to be the first to submit a story from an uber popular source (like yahoo news or wired) that has a high likelihood of others trying to submit the same story. That way, thousands of fellow diggers will see YOUR STORY on the SORRY page and digg you on the way back out: DIGG IT!

OK Clarified. BUT here's the $1,000 cash money, my money question: "Again, why would i wanna send traffic to a website that i don't have any personal interest in?"
A) Because I'm vain and want to see what it's like to get on DIGG's home page although I have no way of measuring the traffic that flows from DIGG to
B) Because I'm a socialist that wants to expose the nefarious underworkings of GWBush and the Economic Powers that be
C) I'm Bored
D) Because the more DIGG's I get, The higher my user rank gets. And DIGG favors its top players over newbies.
Survey Says: D!
Sure, the new DIGG algorythm makes it so that FRIENDS' diggs are worth less than enemies' diggs BUT cummon, look for the common thread. OF ALL the kids on the front page, NONE have a user ranking Over 10,000. DIGG IT!
As of NOW Home Page Submitter's Ranks:
5,953 - scotty588
2,809 - revtom
0,010 - Aidenag
0,110 - Husky217
0,068 - DidntYouHear
ETC... taken from THIS PAGE:

So you see how important it is to have a high DIGG "Overall Ranking?"
Recently, I've heard stories that DIGG is NOT promoting top digger's stories. So I did a test. I made friends with 20 of the top diggers. Then went to the home page of to see how many GREENSTARSTRIPES I could find (meaning they were dugg by my friends - vis-a-vis top 20 diggers. If a=b and b=c then a=c). The result? DIGG IT!

Only TWO (2) of the top 10 stories were NOT dugg by a friend of mine. I make sure to only keep top dogs as friends too. So, this proves that you need ATLEAST 2 things to get to the top home page of digg. First, good friends. Second, HIGH "overall ranking." (remember? this is where you have to pay your dues and submit stories from nytimes or yahoo news even if you don't have only other vested interest)
But, since the DIGG algorythm is NOT only based on these two factors, AND since digg put higher weight on NONfriend's diggs than FRIENDS' diggs, lets look at how to get NON FRIENDs to digg ya... next story...
PS... if you think this sounds like eons of hard work, look at this again:

It only took John Adam 2 months to become a Celeb Digger. See the MEMBER SINCE date. Now, He's #4 in all of DIGG in 4 months. That's more pull than Kevin Rose himself. =) DIGG IT!
RSS Search Results Deliver Perpetual Search

CLICK the RSS Logo Button Of Your Snitches.
Why? Well, do you ever GOOGLE the same word or phrase several times a day? You can let go now.
ZNITCH will update the rss feed url FOR YOU everytime a new instance of your keyword appears on your favorite site. You know that when you YAHOO or GOOGLE for a search term, the results are atleast 3-4 days old!
With ZNITCH, all you have to do is just take that url and drop it into your favorite reader like or and voila! You've got perpetual realtime search - called ZNITCHing!
Instead of going to GOOGLE, ZNITCH comes to you! - Available in all SMS, Email Inboxes and RSS Feeds Near You.Thursday, November 02, 2006
You know from the previous post below that DIGG's most effective Promotion page is the FRIENDS page. Now Netscape has one of its own. The NEW URL is
Digg, HOWto Get On Top
I could write a big long circuitous story about the various experiences I've had with DIGG front page Exposure. I could write about the struggles I've had trying to get just 3 Diggs. I could even tell you about the happy hour drink fest we had the first time i got 10 Diggs.
But, truth is, there's no reason to draw out and drag on a simple 2 step HOWto. But since most people don't take short stories seriously, I'm going to spend the next paragraph explaining the importance and significance of DIGG in your web marketing efforts.
WHY is DIGG important? First of all, Digg has millions of users spanning the tech to political to global current events communities. If your website falls within these communities, you've got a major wealth and source of potential users. Secondly, Since DIGG is a Tier One Website, If you show up in home page, you immediately get MILLIONS of hits per day to your site (see image below). But MORE importantly, Google falls in love with your site. Google esteems your website worthy of Google's Page One since you were on DIGG's Page One.
So now that I've dragged on this story with worthless fluff, here's the 2 part answer.
#1. Build Your User POWER by getting a couple of stories to page 1.
HOW? simple. go to and choose a category you like. USE to be alerted in email OR RSS stream AS SOON AS A NEW STORY comes up. IMMEDIATELY submit it to DIGG. Do this a couple of times and you'll get one that lands in the home page of DIGG. WHY work to get a website that ISNT YOURS tons-o traffic? Because, You'll need to earn some clout before you can do #2 below:
Once you submit a yahoo or wired or nytimes story, you'll have staked your claim on that URL. So the Next time somebody or THOUSANDS OF FELLOW DIGGERS also submit that same story, they will see:

The Key here is to submit a story with a HIGH likelihood that thousands of other diggers will ALSO SEE and SUBMIT. If you pick some obscure url for the same story like you'll never get the above digg effect to happen. Upon being dissappointed that YOU already beat them to the URL, they'll hit ya with a DIGG on the way back out.
That's why I recommend It has dozens of popular news sources on one page that DIGGers already trust and frequent. Just make sure your timing is immediate with a ZNITCH alert in rss, sms or email.
#2 Getting YOUR URL to the top of DIGG
As with any good thing, You've gotta pay your dues and make the right friends. You pay your dues with the strategy above. You make the right friends by hanging out with the jocks and cool kids. I'll show you where they loiter:
Now that you know where they are, what do you do? Make friends. It's just a button click! No carrying books for them or giving away your lunch money. Just add them to your friends list. WHY? Simple.
Friends help friends.
See: as a starting point.
Now See:
and Compare to:
You notice that tons of the SAME people voted for 2 totally different submissions? Keep looking. You'll see that for every top 10 DIGG user, he's got a massive support base or "DIGG GANG" that will pretty much indescriminately DIGG anything he submits.
This is where MOST ALL the top DIGGERS Spend MOST of their time. Lemme Reitterate this: This is where MOST ALL the top DIGGERS Spend MOST of their time:
What? did you think that with the hundreds of submits a minute, that the home page diggers get most of their diggs from this page?:
Go ahead and refresh that page: It moves soooo quickly that you'd be lucky to get 1 digg from that page. Most DIGG Leaders DIGG from (the picture above)
Yes. DIGG did recently change their algorythm BUT as far as google is concerned, even if you dont get to page 1 of DIGG, 20 DIGGs = 20 freebee BACKLINKS! Yes! If you DO happen to get to DIGG's home page, invite me to your happy hour party! Continued: HOWto: DIGG Home Page Promotion Strategy p2
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
10 Google SandBox Escape Methods
1. Using a Hosting Service That has been Blacklisted
If you want to find a host that has NOT been blacklisted. Just do a google search for your industry. Do a WHOis on the guys on p1 and use THOSE hosts. They are obviously cool.
2. Burst Marketing.
If you googlebomb google, it MAY get you to the #1 spot quick but you'll only stay there for 3 days. just long enough for googles indexes to update. A googlebomb ONLY works IF there is a consistent ONGOING backlink flow after the initial one. If theres a big splash then cricket chirps afterwards, you're old news - litterally
3. SEO
Yes, SEO can get your domain deep in the sandbox if your webmaster uses old techniques that google already hates. Things like hidden links, abnormal keyword frequency, funny server tricks etc, remember, there are 48 PhD's at they are smart.
4. Tricky Techniques:
Dont do ANY of these things DIGG It!
5. Getting Your Domain Trapped in SPAMCOP
This happens if you email people too much. IF you email folks, DO NOT email from your All it takes is one idiot to forget that he opted in and report you as spam to his ISP then you'll get onto the World Wide SPAMCOP blacklist. Google sees this blacklist. Use a pay per email marketing company or 's email alert system javascript button at
6. Use Dashes not Underscores in your URL and STUFF your URL with keywords.
If you have a mazda miata website, you want google to see "mazda miata," right? if you use a naming convention of "mazda_miata.html" then google only sees "mazdamiata." If you use mazda-miata.html then google sees "mazda miata" - if you use something dynamic like, "/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=67" the google aint gunna find any miatas in that url. DIGG It!
7. Grrr: im starvin. lemme get some food and more later
PS. HOW TO get OUTTA the sandbox?
1. Get a Link from a MAJOR <10000>to your domain from your industry. If you get a link from which is ranked suuuper high, it dont do much for the sandbox pull because digg is too general. DIGG It!
Viral Marketing, 10 Steps to Automatic
The 10 Steps to Start a Viral Marketing Epidemic
(So You Can Just Lean Back Under Your Florescent Lights and See Your Traffic Multiply Passively).
I have friends with businesses asking me to help them get to page one of google all the time. If i may brag a bit, the reality of the situation is that i do better to start my own websites and put them on p1 of google than getting paid a lump sum for promoting my friend's sites. BUT this only holds true IF you have a SEARCH-likely website.

Before going into the strategy, and discussing the above graphs, let me explain who this post does NOT apply to, so you dont go wasting your time doing all these things then cursing me for getting no results.
1. About 300% more men use GOOGLE than women. So, you'd be better off starting a "jock strap" website than a "brazier" website.
2. The sweetspot for age is 25-35 years old. So you'd be better off starting a "surfing" website than a "golfing" website.
That said, if you want to start a site that gets top 10 rankings page one in GOOGLE... this is how you do it.
1. Read:
2. Join a community or forum that IS your target market.
I started a website SPECIFICALLY with a User Group Community in mind... DIGG users. You know that expression, "if you build it they will come?" It should say ,"If you build it (specifically for them) they will come."
In other words, most folks build a site THEN try to find a community to push into. It's easier the other way around.
3. Make friends and scratch backs to get links and buzz going about your site.
I did this with DIGG and as you can see in the first graph, on the 12th of october, i had most of my referring traffic from fark and digg. The next day, these same people submitted my website FOR ME to
I didn't submitt it to REDDIT. My community did it FOR ME and i Got Double the traffic vs the day before.
4. Then Google Automatically Finds Me out of DIGG and Stumbleupon and Reddit
I never submit to google directly. That GOOGLE add url page is useless. Let the other sites do the hard work FOR YOU.
5. Then Industry pundits critics and bloggers will find you AUTOMATICALLY
Industry writers make it their job to GOOGLE for news in their biz. just make sure you come up in the targetted keywords and you'll get a story written up about you.
6. Finally Your Turn Again: Google For Your Web URL and post comments
following up on what blogger say about YOU... see
7. Keep creating news about your site with a blog.
Notice that on the 24th of oct in the 3rd chart, you see that bloggers are sending more traffic to my site than google?
8. USE anchor words INSTEAD of your url with hyperlinking
in other words, if you are selling fish, make sure that you use
instead of
People will google for "fish" a lot more than ""
9. If you've selected smart keywords,
Google will send you more business and traffic than you could possibly do on your own. Notice the 2 sections of the last chart, the seach referrers are only a couple a day whereas is sending me several a minute. The temporary spurts of traffic will die down but the subsequent google ranking will carry you on a daily basis..
try googling:
craigslist alerts
digg alerts
myspace alerts
myspace watcher
etc... now, our website gets a steady stream of TARGETED users. and they register too.
10. Aim NOTSO Big.
Avoid the Google Sandbox
1. older than a year
2. links from a <100,000>6. Use Dashes not Underscores in your URL and STUFF your URL with keywords.
If you have a mazda miata website, you want google to see "mazda miata," right? if you use a naming convention of "mazda_miata.html" then google only sees "mazdamiata." If you use mazda-miata.html then google sees "mazda miata" - if you use something dynamic like, "/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=67" the google aint gunna find any miatas in that url.SEE: